After spiking prices on propane its back down to around $1.50 a
gallon again.
So maintain your supply & always,
Dual Fuel, Keep Your Options Open
Made in the USA.
following is information from the
National Propane Gas Association
and the
Propane Education & Research Council:
Propane, the most common liquefied petroleum gas (LP-gas), is one of
nation's most versatile sources of energy and supplies about 4
percent of our
total energy needs.
Propane exists as a liquid and a gas. At atmospheric pressure and
above –44 F, it is a non-toxic, colorless and odorless gas. Just as
with natural
gas, an identifying odor is added so it can be readily detected.
When contained in
an approved cylinder or tank, propane exists as a liquid and vapor.
The vapor is
released from the container as a clean-burning fuel gas. Propane is
270 times
more compact as a liquid than as a gas, making it economical to
store and
transport as a liquid.
Approximately 90 percent of the United States’ propane supply is
domestically, while 70 percent of the remaining supply is imported
from Canada
and Mexico. Approximately equal amounts of propane come from the
refining of
crude oil and from natural gas processing. Thus, propane is a
readily available,
secure energy source whose environmental benefits are widely
Propane is an approved, alternative clean fuel listed in the 1990
Clean Air Act, as well as the National Energy Policy Act of 1992.
Propane is a staple on 660,000 farms, where it is used in a wide
range of agricultural applications:
Crop drying—corn, soybeans, grains, tobacco, apples, peanuts, onions
and other crops.
Flame cultivation—controlling weed growth using propane burners.
Fruit ripening.
Space heating—for barns, pig farrowing houses, chicken houses, stock
nurseries, greenhouses, orchards, and incubators.
Water heating—for dairies and stock watering tanks.
Refrigeration of foods.
Running a variety of farm engines, including tractors, weed
pumps, stand-by generators, and seedling planters.
A bit of
In 1910, a Pittsburgh motor car owner walked into chemist Dr. Walter
Snelling' office, complaining that the gallon of gasoline he had
purchased was half a gallon by the time he got home. Consumers were
being cheated, he said, because the gasoline was evaporating at a
rapid and expensive rate, and he asked Dr. Snelling to investigate.
Dr. Snelling took up the challenge. Using coils from an old
hot-water heater and other miscellaneous pieces of laboratory
equipment, he
built a still that could separate the gasoline into its liquid and
gaseous components and discovered that the evaporating gases
were propane, butane and other hydrocarbons
Propane has a narrow range of flammability when compared with other
petroleum products. In order to ignite, the propane-air mix must
contain from 2.2 to 9.6 percent propane vapor. If the mixture
contains less than 2.2 percent gas, it is too lean to burn. If it
contains more than 9.6 percent, it is too rich to burn.
Propane won’t ignite when combined with air unless the source of
ignition reaches at least 940 degrees Fahrenheit. In contrast,
gasoline will ignite when the source of ignition reaches only 430 to
500 degrees Fahrenheit.
• Propane gas is nontoxic, so it’s not harmful to soil and water.
Because propane does not endanger the environment, the placement of
propane tanks either above or below ground is not regulated by the
Environmental Protection Agency.
• According to the EPA, much
of the sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere, which produces acid rain,
is attributable to coal-fired electricity-generating facilities. In
contrast, neither the process by which propane is produced nor the
combustion of propane gas produces significant acid rain
• If liquid propane leaks, it doesn’t puddle but
instead vaporizes and dissipates into the air.
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